Twilight Direct

Grim, Magnolia, Renfred, and Binder – “We are Twilight Direct” (Alan Tso)

Deliveries from Dusk to Dawn

We’re Twilight Direct, and in that liminal space between night and day, we’ll move any apparition similarly languishing in limbo, anywhere in the city. Leave a note the Jackal can sniff out, and cough up some coin. We’ll bind the banshee and if things get grim, we’ve got a few different ways of making doors and quick exits.

Right now, we in Never Tell Me the Ob are playing Blades in the Dark, a roleplaying system by John Harper. Blades emphasizes player creativity with loose stat descriptions as well as the interplay among a multitude of factions. We’re not an isolated gang of smugglers – we’re one party that has to step on toes and navigate alliances with dozens of others, all of whom are shoulder-to-shoulder in the packed city of The Union of Gelenheit and Telos and making plays constantly. There’s a quick summary of our universe below, or click the links below that to get more detail on the gangs, history, species, and layout our fearless GM, Scott, has crafted.

The Union has existed for a thousand years, growing and adapting as different civilizations, races, and even species cross into or are discovered and unveiled through the opaque, shifting Fog Wall that surrounds the great metropolis. In broad strokes, the Bimarc arrived first, bronze skinned, pantheistic explorers from a wider world. Not long after settling, another people, the Atheleian, showed up through the Wall. Domineering proselytes who were black of skin and monist in thought, clash seemed inevitable, but their leader, seeing they were vastly outnumbered, negotiated a tense peace, and the societies began to mingle. Over a century later, Chali refugees, paper white with striking, gem-tone eyes, found shelter within the Wall and a place to worship and commune with their deceased ancestors. The House of Night arrived next, sparking a war between the so-called Demons of the House and the mortals on land. A tense and cold compromise  was met. Centuries later, the Stephan, Fog-walking nomads with reddish skin, wild hair, and strange, mystical powers and beliefs, simply stepped in, greeted the inhabitants, and after long talks – and exhibiting luxurious, exotic goods for trade – found their own homes in the city. Stranger species were found or migrated in the centuries to come: Automata, living machines with wills and minds of their own; Saura, gifted tinkerers who are also velociraptors; and the mysterious, submarine offshoot of the Chali, the Manta. All in all, the grander civilization of the Union has simmered and settled and… well, we won’t call it a melting pot, but it’s certainly a well-stirred stew.

The History of Union: The City in the Fog

Cultures and Species of Union City

Wards of Union City

Gangs of Union City

Union City Map